Toothbrush Song

© 2016

Category: Time For Bed Sleepyhead

For Jaeger (Oct. 2016)

Toothbrush, toothbrush in your mouth,

First go north and then go south.

First go up and then go down.

Side to side and round and round!


For Timo (May 2017)

Toothbrush, toothbrush scrub my tongue,

Scrub it gently til you’re done.

Scrub it here and scrub it there –

Don’t forget your underwear.


For my Dentist  (September 2018)

Now get the floss and floss your gums,

Up and down with fingers and thumb.

No more plaque and tooth decay,

Taking good care every day!


For Jaeger (October 2018)

Now grab the floss and floss your teeth,

Up above and underneath.

No more plaque and tooth decay,

Hear the dentist shout HOORAY!