From the very first Toronto Festival of Storytelling on April 1, 1979, I was hooked on storytelling. It was April Fools’ Day. David and I attended the very first festival at a church on Avenue Rd. with our 2 year old daughter, Anna. Erika was there, too, but had an insider’s perspective, being born the following July.
It might be my favorite festival of all. Listening to Alice Kane tell stories, suddenly everything made sense to me. She told a story I had been telling since grade 2. I realized I was a storyteller, too.
“Once upon a time” became music to my ears. The experience of listening to a told story brought joy and satisfaction in a way that nothing else did. I was hooked.
Over the 40 years, I have attended or told at every festival, except for one, when I was a block away from the Daniel’s Spectrum, attending the birth of Erika’s 3rd baby at the Birthing Center.
It’s one of the world’s oldest and largest storytelling festivals: torontostorytellingfestival.ca
And please come and listen to me, too! Details are on our Events Page!